Tuesday, March 28

Day 3

i dont want to be a nerdy cat

is that me?

I cant seem to stop taking pictures of him, heehee. And somehow I feel that I have a Gremlin instead of a cat because he is extremely affectionate when he is about to sleep and when he wants to play or eat. But he does turn into a monster at around early morning (2am and 9am). Luckily he doesnt change into a monster when he is expose to water, especially when I am trying to train him to like water.

I am still trying to teach him not to scratch our expensive sofa. he seems to understand yet tend to be mischievous when we are not watching him. and when we are about to catch him in his action, he will stop and look at us with his semi claws out or run away when i have my spanking palm out. I try not to spank him so much as i am worried that he will hate me and become a vengeful boy. So i have been extremely patience and nice, and when he is about to scratch our sofa, i will go up to him and start pretending to cry and go "no no no Taro no, dont you love mami" he will stop and hold his claws as i do my drama in a squeaky voice.


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