Sunday, May 7

What a sunday!


In this picture, Taro just had a quick short bath and blow dry (lower body only) as he accidentially step on his own poo and had some of it on his feet and tail. Once he was give the go signal after his bath, he ran to my hubby who is lying down on the sofa. And he didnt even want to look at me with his eyes like he usually does ,especially when he wants to eat, play or cruddle.

Okie I forgive you about the bath but i will have to sleep on your textbook

After awhile, he decided to hang around my messy study area and check out what I am doing. Since he is not allow on my study table which is also a dining table, he decided to sleep next to me on my textbooks while i rush my bloody corporate law assignment case study on Commonwealth Bank v Eise and Murray River Limited v ASIC...
sob sob while Taro is enjoying his sleep/nap....and i sill have 1 major assignment and draft to hand in this Thursday and heaps of tutorial questions to do...
OH GOD...i cant seems to stop blogging ...better get back to work and stop taking pictures of him.


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