Wednesday, August 2

Ice cubes get taro to sit

yup ice cubes gets Taro to sit and i am serious...he relates sit with ice cause if he doesnt sit we wont throw the ice...

so whats happened after the ice has been thrown?
taro chan, will run towards the ice as shown before and play with times he stalks it for awhile before he attacks....hmmm, he kinda behaves like a dog..

somehow we think that he has a little identity crisis cause at times he doesnt behave like a cat for instance:

Everyday when I (mami) wake up, he will follow me to the bathroom and if my hubby is awake first, Taro will look for him for snuggles..strange but true...

When I start blowing bubbles for him, he will burst them with his 2 paws and if i stop, he will come to me and tap me on my legs gently.

He meows for me to refilled his lunch and i cant feed him the same stuff everyday unless is tuna with seabeam (Catfood). He gets picky at times too with his human or like me
and sometimes when i make toast using a presser, he will come sniffing while we are eating

He gets bored easily and he will eat or sleep to replace his boredom

He like to act cute to gain our attention by laying on his back with his paws up and back feet curl up like a bunny

Yup, we truely have a weird cat but we love him ;p

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